At Ark Priory, we have a curriculum mapping both the National Curriculum and the Ark Curriculum+ programme. The units of work ensure pupils gain the knowledge they need to discover, understand and begin to explain the world and phenomena around them whilst ensuring pupils are equipped with the skills and knowledge of processes through which science is achieved and applied. The knowledge builds sequentially in the three disciplines – Biology, Chemistry and Physics - with pupils often revisiting an idea or concept in a later unit. In some units, progression is clear; however, in others it is within a more complex thread of learning.
The unit order is built in a way which ensures pupils have the knowledge they need to work scientifically in a meaningful way. Rather than pupils learning solely from practical work, they will gain knowledge of the scientific concept first before deepening it through ‘working scientifically’. The different types of scientific enquiry have been incorporated across the units and as a result pupils encounter opportunities to take part in: observing over time, pattern seeking, classifying and grouping, comparative and fair testing and researching using secondary sources.
Pupils are also entitled to understand how science works in their own lives and in the lives of others. Understanding science will support pupils in developing positive attitudes towards the discipline and may mean that pupils are motivated to study science further. Science matters in the world and therefore pupils have the right to be scientifically literate.
Assessment of knowledge must be predominantly conducted through ‘Assessment for Learning’ and be used to know how to address misconceptions and embed skills and concepts in future lessons. Summative assessment should be conducted at the end of each term to assess the children’s retainment, run interventions when necessary and inform planning for the future units to be taught. Assessment should only be done if it moves a child’s learning on. The data must be recorded by the class teachers for use for both the current years but also as an accurate measure for year 2 and 6.
Key features of the Science curriculum that is implemented at Ark Priory:
- Clear progression throughout the school
- Extensive coverage of the National Curriculum
- Exploratory and investigative
- Based in real-world context
- Active and engaging
- AFL used efficiently in every lesson to adapt teaching to the pupils’ needs
- Focused on skills and enquiry types
- Ambitious in both choice of experiment and in child’s learning
Ark Priory believes that Science can break barriers and that it can be a route to future success. We believe that, by using our curriculum, no child will feel that they are not able to continue science if they desire. It can build skills for the child to develop as a rounded individual. We aim for every child leaving the school will have a rich science knowledge, a love for the subject and high aspirations for themselves.