The teaching of R.E. at Ark Priory revolves around a broad and balanced view of how religious beliefs have shaped our world and the impact of religion on individual and collective experience. We follow the Ealing Agreed Syllabus to ensure that our learning reflects the fact that British religious traditions are in the main Christian while exploring the range of beliefs, symbols and actions which underpin the world’s major faiths. The curriculum aspires to develop an understanding of differences and similarities which inform religions and worldviews in our community and beyond. Lessons are planned to provide students with rich and varied examples of rituals, celebration, worship and pilgrimages while exploring questions of belonging, meaning, morality, purpose and truth. We intent for all Ark Priory children to internalise and champion ideas about how diverse faiths achieve harmonious co-existence, taking account of values, laws, community and respect.
At Ark Priory, the R.E. Curriculum consists of:
Distinct R.E. Lessons
- Weekly lessons adapted from the Ealing Agreed Syllabus. Each subject is covered by a cycle of lessons which carefully plan for progression and depth.
- Differentiated tasks and resources designed to support and challenge all learners.
- Opportunities to challenge pupils with questioning which fosters discussion in a philosophical and open manner.
- Opportunities to apply taught skills in other areas of the curriculum.
Religious Assemblies and Faith Days
- Key Stage assemblies on religious days, e.g. St Andrew’s day assembly.
Seasonal Celebrations
- Christmas Nativity play
- Carol singing
- Easter bonnet parade
Educational Visits and Visiting Experts
- Dedicated visits to places of worship, e.g. St Paul’s Cathedral
- Educational outings with a religious theme, e.g. The Prince of Egypt
We monitor the curriculum and evaluate the learning through written tasks. The R.E. lead monitors planning and maintains an active awareness of the subject through CPD and Local Authority network meetings. We measure pupil progress and attainment using a range of assessment tools, including written tasks, live and remote feedback, AFL. The R.E. curriculum is particularly complemented by the PSHE curriculum in order to guarantee well-rounded provision.
It is expected that through their exposure to R.E. at Ark Priory Primary Academy, children will develop a historical perspective of how religions have shaped our world and a deep understanding of how religion impacts on our present-day culture. Children will be able to recognise the principles that inform British Values and appreciate the advantages of living in a multi-faith society. Their ability to identify common practices and shared beliefs will be complemented by a growing empathy and respect to what is different. Through topics where morality and ethics arise, children will acquire skills and mental strategies which will enable them to make right choices in the years after primary and throughout their lives.
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Why do we Celebrate? (Festivals and Celebrations) | Why do we Celebrate? (Festivals and Celebrations) |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
What is ‘Out of this World’? (Space) | How do things change? (Growth and Change) |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Where can you find me? (Animals and Habitats) |
How do we move? (Transport, Journeys and Transition) |
Year 1
Autumn |
Special Days - Festivals Christmas, Divali and Hannukah |
Spring |
Special Places (Places of Worship) |
Summer |
Learning from stories |
Year 2
Autumn |
Special Food |
Spring |
The Importance of Water |
Summer |
Caring for our World |
Year 3
Autumn |
Belief and Practices – Christianity |
Spring |
Belief and Practices – Hinduism |
Summer |
Belief and Practices – Islam |
Year 4
Autumn |
Belief and Practices – Judaism |
Spring |
Belief and Practices – Sikh Faith |
Summer |
Spirituality through Art |
Year 5
Autumn |
Beliefs Regarding Death |
Spring |
Initiation Practices |
Summer |
Signs and Symbols |
Year 6
Autumn |
Moral Dilemmas |
Spring |
Sowing the Seeds of Unity |
Summer |
Festivals of Light |