Accidents and illness
The Academy will always ensure that there are an adequate number of trained Paediatric First Aiders on site and that their training is current. First Aiders are responsible for assessing injuries or ill health and using their training to decide upon the most appropriate response. This can involve treating the casualty if the injury is within the scope of their training, referring them to hospital for assessment or further treatment, or calling the emergency services for immediate help.
There may be times when we need to contact you, either for permission to treat your child or because we feel that you need to check them yourself, e.g. if they are feeling unwell. In these cases we will make every effort to contact you as quickly as possible. If we deem it appropriate that your child go home, we will contact you so that you can make any necessary arrangements to have them collected. Whilst you do so, we will ensure your child is kept as comfortable as possible.
If your child has a medical condition which means they will need medicine to be kept at school, you must ensure the school have this and that medication is in date. Members of staff are not permitted to administer non-prescribed medicines. With the exception of asthma inhalers, pupils are not allowed to administer drugs themselves. If a child does need a short-term course of doctor prescribed medicine (i.e. antibiotics) during school time, parents/carers must discuss this with the office staff and give written permission for a nominated adult to administer the medicine. Prescribed medication for short-term illness will be stored in the medical room and will be ready for collection by a parent/carer at the end of the day from the academy office.
All inhalers should be labelled with your child’s name. One inhaler will be kept in the child’s classroom, and a second inhaler will be kept in the Medical Room as an emergency back-up.
Epinephrine Auto-Injectors (EpiPens)
All Epinephrine Auto-Injectors (commonly referred to as EpiPens) need to be given to the school in pairs. One will be kept for initial administration in the child’s classroom and a second one in the Medical Room for further administration in the event where use is necessary.
Pupils with Medical Conditions and Allergies
It is very important that we know about all allergies or medical conditions your child might have, however slight (plasters, nut allergies, wasp stings, asthma etc.), so that your child receives the appropriate treatment.
Additionally, Health Care Plans will need to be filled out for every child with a medical condition or allergy that could affect their school life. For common conditions such as asthma and allergies, this can be done alongside the office staff. For more complicated conditions, you will be asked to meet the Ealing School Nurse along with the office staff to ensure a comprehensive Health Care Plan is produced and any training necessary is given to First Aiders.