At Ark Priory, we aim to provide children with the tools to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. Developing a growth mindset allows them to become resilient, flexible learners who are well equipped and confident to tackle moral, social and cultural issues they may face growing up. We endeavour to provide children with the ability to articulate their emotions which ensures pupils sustain good mental health. The PSHE curriculum also develops understanding of health and fitness. At Ark Priory, we encourage children to make informed choices regarding health and fitness. In our ever increasingly technological world, we endeavour to equip all children with the knowledge to stay safe and make informed choices about their use of technology.
At Ark Priory, the curriculum is based on the Ealing PSHE scheme of learning and has been adapted to best meet the needs and readiness of pupils within our school. This ensures pupils receive a balanced understanding of the three core themes the PSHE Association recommends: health and wellbeing, living in the wider world and relationships.
Class teachers deliver a PSHE lesson each week and during the year there are themed weeks and days such Mental Health Week and Safer Internet Day. PSHE is also taught across the curriculum through discreet lessons, assemblies and educational visits. This ensures PSHE is taught through a cohesive, whole-school approach ensuring pupils become healthy, independent and responsible members of the community.
In addition to the school values, the British Values are integrated within the school ethos. This guarantees pupils to have an increased awareness of the world around them, providing them with the skills to make measured judgements and decisions both in school and at home. This can be seen through the elected members of School Council who meet every week to ensure all pupils’ opinions and ideas are shared.
Whole school assemblies are used to introduce new PSHE units and as opportunities for children to share their knowledge about topics they have covered.
Collective class Scrapbooks are used to showcase pupil’s work during lessons which include PSHE, British Values, Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural learning.
The PSHE curriculum is particularly complimented by the Religious Education curriculum in order to guarantee well-rounded provision.
We endeavour to ensure all children develop respect for themselves and others while developing the skills to start and maintain healthy, positive relationships both now and in the future. Throughout the school, there is a focus to ensure all children have positive body images. Pupils will understand the physical aspects of Relationship Education at age appropriate level. Through the teaching of PSHE at Ark Priory, children will have a secure understanding of how to keep themselves physically, mentally and technologically.
Autumn |
Health and Wellbeing
Spring |
Living in the wider world
Summer |
Autumn |
Health and Wellbeing
Spring |
Living in the wider world
Summer |
Year 1
Autumn |
Health and Wellbeing
Spring |
Living in the wider world
Summer |
Year 2
Autumn |
Health and Wellbeing
Spring |
Living in the wider world
Summer |
Year 3
Autumn |
Health and Wellbeing
Spring |
Living in the wider world
Summer |
Year 4
Autumn |
Health and Wellbeing
Spring |
Living in the wider world
Summer |
Year 5
Autumn |
Health and Wellbeing
Spring |
Living in the wider world
Summer |
Year 6
Autumn |
Health and Wellbeing
Spring |
Living in the wider world
Summer |